Instructions for L I G H T - R O M E I G H T 1) All new Lightwave collection of objects - to load set your content directory to the root directory of this CD-ROM. On more info on Content Directory, consult your manuals. For thumbnail renderings of these objects, look in the "Indexes" directory for thumbnails for easy previewing. A few objects will request that you load an image file that came with your Lightwave 3D software. I made my own version of the popular "Fractal Reflections" file to substitute for NewTek's version. 2) A huge collection of over 2000 Jpeg Textures from Golgotha game project. The game was never finished by and these textures are included with permission. In the "Textures/Indexes" directory are JPeg thumbnail renderings of all of these textures. 3) A huge collection of over 1,000 digital elevation maps (DEMs) of U.S. cities in the VistaPro file format. These DEMs are zipped using WinZip to fit everything on this CD-ROM. Use WinZip or any compatible Zip program to extract these DEMs. In the "DEMs/Indexes" directory are thumbnail renderings of all of the topographical maps of these DEMs. You can use them DEMs in Scenery generation programs like World Construction Set or VistaPro. You could also convert these DEMs to 3D landscapes using a 3D conversion program like Polytrans from Okino. (See Polytrans demo in the "Demos/Okino" directory). 4) The "Demos" directory has demos or samples of "520 Photoreal Seamless Textures", "SurfacesROM", "DinosaursROM" & from Okino, Polytrans. All material on this CD-ROM are protected by copyright (1999) and compilation copyright (1999)by Graphic Detail Inc. No material from this CD-ROM can be reproduced without written permission to any form of media including, but not limited to BBS's, UseNet newsgroups, Internet sites, floppy disks, CD-ROMs, etc. For more info on contributing to a future issue of LIGHT-ROM, please contact; Michael Meshew Graphic Detail Inc. 4556 South Third Street Louisville, Ky. 40214 USA 1-800-265-4041 502-363-2986 (voice & fax) Thank you for your support!